My Village Profile: Sasama (Shizuoka Prefecture)

Sasama in Shizuoka Prefecture 

The Sasama area is a collection of small villages nestled in narrow river valleys running north to Japan's Southern Alps district. Known for its tea fields and crystalline blue water, it is one of few areas in Japan to preserve the traditional Shinto dances known as KAGURA. The Oigawa steam and rack-and-pinion railways, as well as Kawane Onsen's modernized spa and hotel, attract many visitors to the area (20 min away).

In addition, Sasama is becoming known internationally for its ceramics festivals and workshops held throughout the year by MICHIKAWA SHOZO and ICAF-Sasama (see The area is a nirvana for cyclists, and boasts spectacular paragliding and river paddling. Recent years have seen an influx of new residents to the area, most of whom are Japanese, and all of whom have renovated old MINKA.

Sasama lies about an hour from two SHINKANSEN stations, as well as the SHIN TOMEI espressway, making it possible to reach downtown Tokyo or Haneda airport in under 3 hours door-to-door by car and train (Kyoto within 3.5 hours).

Public School – Elementary and Junior High schools closed several years ago and have been converted to youth hostel-like facilities.

Police – Koban at Jina (20 min away) Fire Department – Local brigades operate in each village

High-Speed Internet Access – Fiber optic cable connections

Cellphone Reception – Excellent with all providers (Docomo, Au, Softbank)

What type of housing generally available? - Almost all the local buildings are MINKA; many are available for purchase (quality and price varies). One estate has been renovated as an inn and teahouse (SASU・ICHI). The overall aesthetic of the village is traditional -- no lighted signs, stores with parking lots, pre-fab houses or apartment blocks--so its easy to feel the nostalgia of how things used to be. In addition, with few BESSOU most owners are residents and fully engaged in the community.

Bank – ATM available at village post office

Grocery Store – Nearest is 20 min by car; for a major chain store a 50 min drive is required Convenience Store – 20 min by car

Medical Services – several doctors and dentists in Ieyama (20 min by car); nearest hospital is ~ 1 hour by car but helicopter service is available in emergencies

Public transport - community mini-van service operates thrice daily to Ieyama (connections to other buses and train)


  • Beautiful surroundings and friendly rural community

  • Moderate Shizuoka climate with no snow in winter and cooler temperatures in summer (altitude about 400m)

  • Easy access to Tokyo for meetings or international travel

  • Several regionally notable tourist attractions within a half hour's drive (Oigawa Railway, Kawane Onsen, Sumatakyo Gorge)


  • Public services are limited so life is somewhat "inconvenient" by Japanese standards (see above)

  • Not suited to families with small children or non-Japanese speakers

Contact: For more information, please feel free to contact Shelley Clark in English or 日本語 at